Let me ask you a question: in your opinion, what should a body look like to be considered beautiful and harmonious? Each person has their own concept of health and beauty, regardless of their references. However, most agree that a physique – male or female – has to be toned, with a flat belly and dry, muscular thighs and arms, and a face and hands without wrinkles or expression marks. In the case of the female body, it adds a slim waist, buttocks, and shapely breasts.

To have some of these characteristics and still be free of unwanted fat is an arduous task for some people, even when they exercise frequently and eat a balanced diet. Especially after the age of 35!


Brazil is one of the world’s greatest powers in plastic surgery. It has a dynamic market that moves several players through high investments in products, equipment, high level professional specialization and, mainly, consumers who know what they want.

Liposuction, indicated to reduce the excess of localized fat and provide a better body contour, is one of the most performed aesthetic plastic surgeries in Brazil. According to the SBCP (Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery), 75% of the patients who undergo it are between 19 and 50 years old, and 85% are women. Another interesting fact is that the procedure done in men is usually very effective, because the male body has more skin elasticity and the fat area is firmer and more vascularized.

Although it is not a weight loss procedure, about 3kg to 5kg of fat is suctioned off. This corresponds to the maximum recommended volume of 7% of body weight.

The surgical technique involves small incisions, in strategic locations, through which we access the fat layer under the skin with a cannula. Through it, we apply a solution (saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine) that numbs the site, controls blood loss, and facilitates fat removal. Next, we loosen the excess fat using a back-and-forth motion. Finally, we use a surgical aspirator or syringe attached to the cannula to suction the displaced fat out of the body.

Compression mesh or elastic bandages are placed on the treated areas at the end of the procedure, as they help control swelling and compress the skin.

The procedure can last from 1 to 5 hours depending on the amount of fat to be removed and the technique employed. Together with the anesthesiologist, we decide whether general or local anesthesia associated with sedation, whichever is best for the patient.

The most frequently liposuctioned parts of the body are:

Liposuction, sometimes referred to as ‘lipo’ by patients, is the plastic surgery that removes excess localized fat, providing better body contouring.

Abdomen and region – Belly, flanks, hips, and back are the places on the body where the surgery is most often performed and where fat accumulates the most. While in the male abdomen the aim is to achieve definition, highlighting the muscles, in the female abdomen the aim is for a more modeled body, with curves. Generally, we make incisions of a few millimeters around the pubis or the navel.

Breasts – In the case of women, the objective is to correct very large, heavy, disproportionate breasts, besides the excess fat on the side of them. In the case of male breasts, Liposuction can resolve cases of Gynecomastia when the mammary volume is of a fatty nature.

Arms – The objective here is to eliminate the fat between the shoulder and the elbow, in the posterior part of the forearm. The surgery is done through the folds of the elbow and axilla.

Thighs and hips – Fat usually accumulates between the thighs and on the hips located in the outer regions between the thighs and the hips.

Face – Fat deposits on the neck (jowls), cheeks, and most often under the chin can also be liposuctioned.

Before it was sought only with the purpose of aspirating localized fat, today it is also a trend to associate Liposuction with Liposculpture to improve the body contour even more. The removal and preparation of the fat for grafting can be done safely and quickly.

The procedure can also be associated with Augmentation Mammaplasty, Reduction Mammaplasty and Abdominoplasty.

When associated with the Abdominoplasty in the same surgical act, we call it LipoAbdominoplasty. Indicated for people with excess fat and flaccid skin in the abdominal region, nowadays it is safe to say that it allows a safer and more predictable result with less painful and faster recovery than in a traditional Abdominoplasty of yesteryear.

It is important to emphasize that, before performing from a simpler surgery to a major one like the LipoAbdominoplasty, it is necessary to have all the exams to know if it can be done safely and if there are more chances of success or failure. The consultations are fundamental for you to make very clear what your expectations are and what you really want so that we can answer what is possible.


If you have not yet achieved more consistent results with your body with physical exercises and good habits (diet, rest, less stress etc.), a surgical approach to remove the subcutaneous fat is a great option, especially if you are close to the ideal weight and have good skin elasticity.

Liposuction is the plastic surgery indicated for women or men over the age of 16, after the localized fat deposits are no longer multiplying, who have a positive attitude and realistic expectations of the surgical result. Of course, the younger the skin, without signs of aging caused by the sun and stretch marks, with good elasticity and enough tonus, the more likely they are to adapt to the new body contours.


It is essential to consult the SCHEDULED THE SURGERY? page which has a series of questions to talk about during the consultations, to help you with your doubts and where you will find recommendations for the day of the procedure.

In addition, here is a checklist to help you get organized:

🅐 Prior lymphatic drainage sessions help prepare the body for surgery and reduce the risk of post-surgical complications, such as infection, excessive edema, hematomas, and scar tissue.

🅑 Acquire compressive mesh from a specialized company and take it with you on the day of the surgery, because it is placed immediately after the procedure. Choose a very comfortable model, fair, but not tight.

🅒 For women, menstruation is not an impediment to your surgery, but preferably schedule it for outside the menstrual period.

🅓 Make sure that during this most critical period of the recovery, of 2 to 3 weeks, nobody depends on you in the family or at work. Following the planning to the letter has the objective of guaranteeing the desired results.


After the surgery, according to the needs of each case, the patient is released after 24 hours of hospitalization, always taking into account the patient’s comfort and safety. A small drain can be placed in the incisions under the skin to remove any excess blood or fluid. Avoid exertion on the day of surgery, including long walks or climbing stairs.

The first two days should be absolute rest, which is essential for healing. After that, do not lie or sit down for prolonged periods. It is normal in the first days to produce seroma (accumulation of liquids in the operated area), edema (swelling), temporary loss of sensibility, pain (light to moderate), ecchymoses (purple spot), hypertrophy and hyperchromia of the scar, surface irregularities, hardening of the liposuctioned area, etc. 6 months is the time required to see the planned result.

If you are bothered by excess fat accumulation – located anywhere on your body – and you don’t see positive results with diet or exercise, liposuction may be indicated for you.

The pain is not usually very bothersome, but you will probably feel it for a few days while the swelling starts to go down, depending on each person and the extent of the surgery. Try to wear clothes that are easy to put on and take off for at least the first week. Use girdles for a minimum of 30 days, 24 hours a day. Then another 30 days, only at night.

Opt for lighter food on the 1st day (fruit, soup, gelatin, fiber, liquids, etc.). From the 2nd day of the procedure on, you can eat practically anything, but food with a minimum of salt so as not to increase swelling, and mainly protein-based (meat, milk, eggs) and vitamin-based (fruit). Drink plenty of liquids. Do not go on a diet or weight loss regime until you are cleared by your doctor. Alcoholic beverages, smoking, saunas, and steam baths must be avoided during the entire recovery period.

Depending on the liposuctioned region, try to sleep as comfortably as possible using pillows and cushions. As in the preoperative, schedule lymphatic drainage sessions from 4 to 6 weeks in the postoperative period starting on the 2nd day of the postoperative period. We recommend the schedule. Besides eliminating the accumulation of liquid from the body, this treatment activates the immunological system, helps reduce pain and discomfort, relieves bruising and swelling, and is effective in preventing and treating fibrosis and scar adhesions.

After 2 weeks it is already possible to return moderately to daily activities, but without physical effort and try to limit sudden and large movements. Light exercises (such as walking and stretching) after the 15th day are allowed, as well as driving. More intense physical activities and contact sports after evaluation. Avoid as much as possible exposure of the scars to the sun for at least 3 months; after that, always use sunscreen with a minimum of 30 SPF (sun protection factor).

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