During puberty, the female breasts develop, the hips widen, and hair appears. Hormonal changes cause obvious physical transformations. The growth of the breasts is one of the most important events for women, and also the most anticipated.
The complete development of the breasts can take up to 3 years and, during life, the breasts go through several aesthetic transformations taking into consideration pregnancy, weight loss, illness, etc. It is normal for one breast to grow more than the other at the beginning of puberty, which is compensated for later on. Adult women usually have asymmetric breasts and most of the time the difference is imperceptible.
During the development of the female body, from adolescence to early adulthood, women are subject to a congenital anomaly due to genetic predisposition in one or both breasts known as Tuberous Breasts. This condition does not present functional problems and is only noticed after puberty when the breasts begin to develop.
The term Tuberous Breasts is due to the anatomical aspects that resemble the roots of tuberous plants (beets, carrots, manioc). Besides the tubular format, the breasts can be badly positioned and asymmetric, present hypoplasia (smaller volume than normal) and the areolas generally become large, protuberant, disproportionate and herniated.
The correction of this anomaly can only be achieved through various plastic surgery techniques. Each case presents a challenge and we develop a tailored and individualized planning to obtain the best possible result. Basically, we use techniques that aim to reduce the diameter of the areola (Nipples and Areolas), lower the breast crease, and undo the fibrous ring so that the breast tissue becomes conical in shape.
If indicated, we can include in the planning the association of surgical techniques for the inclusion of breast implants (Augmentation Mammaplasty or Mastopexy).
The implants can help improve the shape, symmetry, and volume of the breasts. When the implant alone does not provide a good result, the alternative of breast lipografting (Liposculpture) with the patient’s own fat can be recommended.
The procedure lasts an average of 2 to 3 hours and can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. Together with the anesthesiologist we choose the safest and most comfortable for the patient.
Even if they do not cause functional problems, Tuberous Breasts can impact the self-esteem and affect the emotional health, mainly, of women who are between 17 and 30 years old. When there is a problem with the breasts, the greatest symbol of femininity, the impact can be even more devastating, and can affect socialization in adulthood and love relationships.
It is important that the correction be performed as soon as the woman starts to feel uncomfortable with the appearance of her breasts. Sometimes it can be difficult to recognize the early symptoms that appear from hormonal development through early adulthood. Whenever we can, we recommend that mothers make their daughter aware at puberty of any changes in the breast.
It is essential to consult the SCHEDULED THE SURGERY? page which has a series of questions to talk about during the consultations, to help you with your doubts and where you will find recommendations for the day of the procedure.
If you have, it is important to talk about family history of breast cancer and bring the latest results of previous mammograms or biopsies.
In addition, in the case of Tuberous Breasts, here is a checklist to help you get organized:
🅐 Prior lymphatic drainage sessions help prepare the body for surgery and reduce the risk of post-surgical complications, such as infection, excessive edema, hematomas and scar tissue.
🅑 Buy a surgical bra from a specialized company and take it with you on the day of the surgery, because it is placed immediately after the procedure. Choose a very comfortable model, fair, but not tight, considering the breast enlargement.
🅒 Make sure that during this most critical period of recovery, from 2 to 3 weeks, nobody depends on you in the family or at work. Following the planning to the letter aims to guarantee the desired results.
The length of hospital stay after Tuberous Breasts correction varies from case to case, and may be as short as 12 hours or as long as 24 hours. The pain is not usually very bothersome, but you will probably feel it for a few weeks while the swelling starts to go down. The first two days should be of absolute rest, essential for healing and for the elimination of liquids (seroma) through the drain, if necessary.
Normally, we change the first dressing and the others are taught to be done by the patient at home. The use of a post-surgical bra helps to protect, hold, and mold the breasts. It must be worn for a period of 1 month, only being taken off for bathing and dressing. Sleep on your stomach, with your arms along your body and torso elevated to be more comfortable for at least 30 days.
Opt for lighter food on the 1st day (fruit, soup, gelatin, fiber, liquids, etc.). From the 2nd day of the procedure on, we suggest a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and white meats. Avoid sweets, fried food, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. Hydrate yourself a lot. Use the minimum of salt so as not to increase swelling.
In the first baths after surgery, if you feel dizzy, choose to use a chair. Avoid wetting the dressings, but if this happens, try to dry them carefully with a towel and/or a warm hairdryer at least 20 cm away.
Between 1 and 2 weeks it is already possible to return moderately to daily activities, but without physical effort. Light walks from the 15th day on are allowed; more intense physical activities, after evaluation. Avoid heavy lifting, do not raise your arms above your shoulders or open them too much for at least 3 weeks, the same time without driving.
Avoid as much as possible exposure of the scars to the sun for at least 6 months. Afterwards, always use sunscreen with a minimum of 30 SPF (sun protection factor).
As in the preoperative, schedule lymphatic drainage sessions from 4 to 6 weeks in the postoperative period. Besides eliminating the accumulation of liquid from the body, this treatment activates the immune system, helps reduce pain and discomfort, relieves bruising and swelling, and is effective in preventing and treating fibrosis and scar adhesions.
Over time, your breasts may continue to change due to aging and gravity. Results remain longer if you maintain your weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.