Even though they are at the ideal weight, some people have a rounder face, accentuated by the volume of the cheeks. In great part, this volume is due to the compartments of fatty tissue between the jaw and the mandible, called Bichat’s balls or pouches. The name is a homage to the French anatomist and surgeon Marie François Xavier Bichat, who first described them.
For some people, large cheeks create such a level of dissatisfaction that it shatters their self-esteem. They are bothered that their face looks big when they smile. They desire a more attractive and harmonious facial aesthetic.
The plastic surgery to remove the Bichat’s pouches from both cheeks is known as Bichectomy. Performed alone, it is done through a small incision in the cheek wall inside the mouth, through which the bags are partially or completely removed.
If associated with another surgery involving incision on the face – such as, for example, the Rhytidectomy – by lifting the skin to position it, we take advantage and remove the bags.
The patient(s) receive either general anesthesia or local anesthesia and sedation. Only the Bichectomy, lasts 40 to 60 minutes.
It is an irreversible surgery and has the purpose of thinning the face and marking the “cheekbones”, making it more triangular and elegant. It is an aesthetic procedure indicated for women and men, preferably after the age of 18, who are bothered by the rounded appearance of the face and who have excess Bichat’s fat. In some cases, some people have discomfort chewing because they bite their bulging cheeks.
Trends aside, an accurate diagnosis is very important to evaluate what the aesthetic gain is, which depends a lot on the conformational individuality of each face. It is known that with the passing of the years there is loss of facial fat and if the Bichectomy is badly indicated it can cause an appearance of premature aging on the face.
Please note that it is very important to consult the SCHEDULED THE SURGERY? page which has a series of questions for us to talk about in the consultations, help with your doubts and where you will find recommendations for the day of the procedure.
In the case of the Bichectomy, it is important that your oral health is up to date. If necessary, we recommend a mouth rinse 3 to 5 days before the surgery and/or antibiotics.
After the surgery, the patient is released within a few hours. The pain is not usually very bothersome. It is common to see swelling and purple spots that can last from a few days to a few weeks, depending on each person. The stitches fall by themselves in approximately 7 days.
In the first 2 days, the diet should be based on liquid and pasty foods, avoiding citric and acidic foods. After that, we suggest a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and white meats. Avoid sweets, fried food, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages. Hydrate a lot. Use a minimum of salt so as not to increase swelling.
For swelling and pain, we recommend using cold water compresses and anti-inflammatories. Maintain oral hygiene after eating. The ideal is that the patient sleeps with her head slightly elevated. Avoid talking or moving your mouth during the first days.
After 3 days, it is already possible to return to normal activities, as long as it is without physical effort. We release more intense physical activities after evaluation. Use sunscreen daily, with a minimum of 30 SPF (sun protection factor) on the face for at least 3 months, when the definitive result can be noticed.